Saturday, 16 August 2014

Eating out at 'Tum Jia Kuay'

yee-mian sar por, my favourite. Includes a chicken egg cooked inside the soup.

Claypot store with multiple burners

A family enterprise. Heartwarming. Just don't scrutinise hygiene standards.

Claypot chicken, no lap-cheong

Begonia close-ups

Turns out I have taken individual shots of my begonia collection. Not all of them but I can add the others later. 
Again names are drawn from Alvin's Journal at Thanks Alvin, hope you're still at your begonia craze especially since it's so much easier, with Malaysia being the natural terrain for begonias.
Update (6 Oct): Have added more names and notes as well as absent status of certain ones

B.'Tiger Kitten' - this is no more

B.Black Velvet - this is fast becoming another 'no more'

B. manaus hybrid - looking better. found out it needs terrarium like conditions

B.Rex - this is no more as well.

B. Ice Castle - can tell from this earlier picture that this one is still doing very well. hope it stays that way.

B.masoniana 'Iron Cross' - must be one of the oldest in a collection and in fact pre-dates the craze. Actually it must be the first begonia I purchased. Earlier ones were given to me via leaf cuttings.

B.U400, dubbed a Singapore begonia, started as a leaf from OJ's garden

B.U400 (top); B.Hugh McLauren - this in slow rehabilitation

B.Rex Hybrid - needs repotting

B.Floccifera - can you flower more often?


B.Mazae f. Nigricans - slowly getting there

B.Shamus - so far so good, the best actually. Pl keep it that way.
B. Brevirosa

B. Acetosa - purchased from Tiong Bahru market, with great determination

B. Fireworks - found out that the hybridiser is a certain Mr Kartuz

B. Silver Jewel - a difficult grow
B. Maurice Amey

Scenes from New Zealand

No, I didn't get to go on the two-week holiday but they did think of me since I received pictures periodically. Not quite crumbs but it's nice seeing them happy and enjoying themselves.

In Rotorua

Hobbit Town where LOTR was filmed.

Holiday Park in North Island

Probably Nelson in S.Island

A selfie by G

Somewhere in S.Island

Great expanse. Somewhere in S.Island


Names of Begonia Foliage are compiled with helpful reference from Alvin's Journal at Wonder how his collection is coming along. His last entry was in 2011.

From top: B.Shamus,  B.U400, B.Black Velvet (?)

From Top: B.Black Velvet(?), B.Corallina deLucerna, B.Tiger Kitten, B.Rex
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From Top: B.U400, B.Fairy(?), B.Tiger Kitten, B.Masoniana 'Iron Cross'
Unfortunately I'm not as comprehensive as I'd like to be given the limitations of the group picture compositions and the fact that I haven't found out all the names yet. Looking at the snaps, it's obvious that the arrangement and display of the pots need improving. It's a motley mix right now of plants surrounded by pots with leaf cuttings (under propagation) all cluttered together. I need a larger sheltered area quickly if I want to propagate.

And you know what. Begonias are finicky, fragile and temperamental,  prone to quick, sudden deterioration and death. I don't feel safe when it's a case of one-pot per begonia species. Hence, ongoing propagation is necessary to ensure their continued place in my collection. But truth be told, it hasn't been easy. Propagation takes effort, attention and lots of waiting time and hasn't often led to satisfying outcomes.

Hanging pots: B.Silver Jewel (inside) & B.Fairy(?)