Monday, 16 June 2014

Moth Inspired

For reasons probably similar to many others, I’m usually tickled by SM Ong’s column every Sunday in TNP. He calls it his Act Blur story. His peculiar way of connecting the most unlikely dots around local news and events into a jabbering story that’s very much about himself is a cracking piece of work. He’s got a finely honed formula to be deconstructed and learned. Perhaps one day I might also be able to craft stories in an easy whimsy readable entertaining style that's resoundingly mine. Meantime, I just study his column whenever a hard copy newspaper is available.
One ‘How I met your moth’ on his encounter with Lyssa zampa prompted this entry, mainly because I came upon my own magnificent tropical swallowtail moth in the garden. Quite naturally the meeting with this creature from the family Uraniidae warranted a selfie.  

One thing's for sure, I wasn't posing with an unmoving carcass that scavenging ants had yet to clean up (like he had to).

Sunday, 8 June 2014

I'd wed a begonia

That's how fascinating I'm discovering the begonia family, Begoniaceae to be. And I'm referring only to the leaves; have not gone into more complex areas of flowers, cross-pollination.

It's caused my mum to exclaim in wonder, and for the very first time, how clever her 'old adult' child is. Just from seeing the plantlets grow out of a leaf petiole. Despite my best efforts explaining that's how some begonia plants propagate, she continues to insist. After all, I'm the only the person she knows who can simply stick a leaf into a pot and get new plants that way!

Way to go Begonia Rex! Really I couldn't ask for more.